Yeeun Shin


Web Application , UI Design , Software Development


Languages and Frameworks: C, C++, Java, Javascript, HTML/CSS, Prolog, OCAML, LISP, PHP

Toolsets/OS: MacOS, Git/GitHub, Linux, Windows


University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI

B.S., Computer Science (Spring, 2024)

2020 - 2024

Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, South Korea

B.A., Psychology (transfer to UHM)

2017 - 2019


React Developer, Antra.Inc

Software Developer

  • Design and develop responsive web applications using ReactJS.
  • Utilize HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create user-friendly interfaces.
  • Develop and integrate RESTful web services for efficient data handling.
  • Implement Java features, including lambda expressions and Stream API, in application development.

2024 - 2024

Administrative Assistant, UH Manoa Outreach College

International Program Assistant/ Technician

  • Update the website and develop different servers
  • Design and build students' study materials for NICE(New Intensive Courses in English) program

2022 - 2024

Tutor associated in department of psychology, Sookmyung Women's University

Teach and assist students majoring in psychology

  • Prepare each lecture's materials and assist students who take psychology lectures.

2017 - 2019


Student Council Member, Sookmyung Women's University

School Ambassador for the advertisement and Student Council Member

  • Initiate, implement, and plan the projects regarding college administration
  • Collect outsourcing and help students to increase the participation of school events.

2017 - 2019


International Undergraduate Student Scholarship, University of Hawaii

Scholarships awarded to incoming freshmen who have a 3.8 GPA upon the time of application to UH Manoa.


ISS Merit Scholarship, University of Hawaii

Scholarships awarded to students who have high GPA 3.3 above.


ISS Spring Forward Scholarship, University of Hawaii

Scholarships awarded to students who have high GPA 3.0 above.


ISS Summer Scholarship, University of Hawaii

Scholarships awarded to students who enrolled the summer semester with GPA 2.5 above.


Dean's List, University of Hawaii

The Dean’s List recognizes students who have a superior academic record, i.e., a minimum current grade point average of 3.5 for 12 or more credits of academic coursework.

Fall 2020-Spring 2022


Available upon request